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Summer Fete 2019 raises £4251

Although the weather was not as kind to us as we had hoped, it did not stop plenty of people arriving to see our opener, Sir Alastair Cook CBE, former England Cricket Captain. He spent time talking to both our volunteers and visitors and was quite happy having his photo taken and signing various pieces of cricket memorabilia that people had brought with them.

Both the tombola and cake stalls nearly sold out and the cream teas were as popular as ever. The raffle table was kept busy all afternoon with the assortment of prizes that had been kindly donated on display. The showers did not stop a queue forming at the pony rides, a total of 117 were taken during the course of the afternoon.

Both the Trustees and the committee would like to thank all those who came to support the riding group, as well as the volunteers and friends who came both on the day and beforehand to `set up`.

The monies raised will go towards us continuing to give children and adults the riding therapy that does them so much good.

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