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Summer Fete Raises £2729

We are pleased to report thta our fete raised £2,729 despite the fact that for a second year running we had a rainy day.

Mark Foster caused quite a stir amonst children and adults alike and the icon of the swimming world did not disappoint. He engaged in conversation and light hearted banter with everyone and had his picture taken with many of the youngsters, his long arms proving he had no need for a selfie stick!

Huge thanks though must go to our volunteers who organised all the pony rides in the pouring rain. Drenched to the bone they kept smiling and no child (and in one case an adult) was disappointed the pony rides continued.

The cake stall was a good draw as was the duccly toy stand. If anyone is clearing out a child`s bedroom and wishes to find a good home for cuddly, soft toys in good condition, please remember us. We will find a home for them.

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